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managed wordpress hosting

Domains for Free


Avaliable Domains:
dateweb.org - Expires: 2006-07-24
vexhosting.org - Expires: 2006-07-18 || TAKEN

All I ask in return is for 1 letter head sized banner linking back to DigitalWorldHost.com on your main page and 3 other pages of your choice.

Please post here if you are interested or need more information.
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I want VexHosting.org! I have a reseller account and I'm using my computer as a windows "dedicated" so I need another domain =)
computerhelpworld said:

Will you be providing free or paid hosting?

Paid, when I make a certain amount of money I may consider giving free hosting (can't afford it at all right now)
Well if you are going to provide paid hosting services and yet you want a free domain name. This, to me, shows that you are willing to commit to the cause. A domain name is relatively inexpensive.

So if this is the case then I will not provide you with the domain name. Sorry.
computerhelpworld said:
Well if you are going to provide paid hosting services and yet you want a free domain name. This, to me, shows that you are willing to commit to the cause. A domain name is relatively inexpensive.

So if this is the case then I will not provide you with the domain name. Sorry.

Ok, never mind. Thanks anyway :p
I could use vexhosting.org

and i will be providing FREE hosting and of course to people on this forum

My dead line to get a domain is in an hour and I will be getting a free reseller and that is the reason why i would like to help other people with hosting too and to get experience with it more over.

please accept this.

thanking you in advance,
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Hello Guru,

Okay you can use the domain vexhosting.org .

Just tell me your nameservers when you get your reseller account and I will link up the domain name.
name servers are sent via PM,

And thanks again!,

you're just great! more than great!
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Man you're CRAZY! Why would you loan out a domain registered in your name to a stranger??? What happens if he signs up a lot of customers then just bails on them, taking their money and shutting down their sites?
When they look for somone to sue, (And customers can also sue Hosting providers for any revenue they loose from their site being down) they are gonna come after you.
Better watch your butt! Just some friendly advice, I would hate to see someone get railroaded for somone else's actions.
CobraHosts said:
Man you're CRAZY! Why would you loan out a domain registered in your name to a stranger??? What happens if he signs up a lot of customers then just bails on them, taking their money and shutting down their sites?
When they look for somone to sue, (And customers can also sue Hosting providers for any revenue they loose from their site being down) they are gonna come after you.
Better watch your butt! Just some friendly advice, I would hate to see someone get railroaded for somone else's actions.

That's true but i'm offering free hosting and will not offer any paid hosting just because i never know when my site can go down! and that's just one of the biggest reasons why i will not od that..

BTW if he needs any personal details. it's just a PM away! and of course those details can be verified by the person himself.

IT's good of you giving advice! that's a good member!
CobraHosts said:
Man you're CRAZY! Why would you loan out a domain registered in your name to a stranger??? What happens if he signs up a lot of customers then just bails on them, taking their money and shutting down their sites?
When they look for somone to sue, (And customers can also sue Hosting providers for any revenue they loose from their site being down) they are gonna come after you.
Better watch your butt! Just some friendly advice, I would hate to see someone get railroaded for somone else's actions.


Thanks for your advice but I know what I am doing : ). I monitor the sites on my domains very carefully and when I get any idea that they are doing something illegal or abusive or something the domain will be shut down.

And I will get asking for his personal information soon alone with his ip and such.

Thanks again for your thoughtfulness! :)

[A]nders said:
i want dateweb.org!

Can you give me a discription of what your site will be? And note that you will need to place my banner on 4 pages (including the main page).

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Hello Anders,

Well that sounds good Anders, the only thing I must remind you of is to use 100% LEGAL SOFTWARE/SCRIPTS. If any illegal activity is found then the domain will be disconnected immediatly no questions asked. Please contact me on msn and tell me what your nameservers are (yes I added you to msn).