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Do you mean URL Direction? So your free domain like something.something.com goes to the same site as www.vinoth.com?

The easiest way, if you have CPanel, is to go to Add - On Domains, and add it there. You need to change your nameservers where you registered Vinoth.com to point them to your host, you can ask your host for these details :)
Yes. You can link Vinoth.com with vinoth.something.com.

It's called Parked domain. Go to your control-panel/cPanel, and select "Parked Domains". Then add your domain from there. Then your website can be accessed from vinoth.com AND vinoth.something.com
hi Keagle and Gopzap, thankx for your help,

if you don't mind, can you say were is cpanel??

then i logged on to a site which gives a domai name,
there is a message when i gonna to select my domain name
"Those domains above is going to be regsitered as
forwarding domain for "vinoth.ourprofile.info"
If you are sure to buy and register those domains above,
please clicking this button below to checkout via PayPal"

is this so??
if you have cpanel than go to: yourname.com:2082

than login with your username and password, only if you have cpanel
Where are you hosted? How do you upload files to your site?

When you go to : yoursitename.com:2082 , does it prompt you with a Login box?

If so, login with your details. This is CPanel :)
As Gopzap said, nothing is like this "Parked Domains" in my c/panel

Here is a link, say me were to redirect it, click Here
As Gopzap said, nothing is like this "Parked Domains" in my c/panel

Here is a link, say me were to redirect it, click Here

Right, so you DON'T have cPanel.

I'm not sure if the web hosts that you are using allows you to add Parked Domains. It's unlikely, I don't see it in the feature list in there website.

Contact support and ask them / tell them to add an extra domain for you.
Right, so you DON'T have cPanel.

I'm not sure if the web hosts that you are using allows you to add Parked Domains. It's unlikely, I don't see it in the feature list in there website.

Contact support and ask them / tell them to add an extra domain for you.

can you say me something that supports everything that you say??
What do you mean?

can you say me any freehost, which includes all that stuffs that you mentioned??


which is good in freehosting, give me a link m8,

thanks for your help untill now.