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managed wordpress hosting

free cPanel hosting with up to 1G space & Instant Setup


New Member
no need to wait for approve.


we are offering two normal plans :

35mb space/ 1000mb BW/ no ads


200mb space/5000mb bw/468*60 Google ads

and one more upgrade plan, for thoes need more space and bw:

up to 1G space and 20GB Bandwith!!!!

details can be found here:


sign up here:


P.S. if what you need is just a weblog, create a wordpress blog here:


it's free of charge and also free of ADs.


Sorry can I use Plan 1gb and 20GB Bw promptly-I locate your google ads (2- 468*60, not
728*90 because its very big)
if you currently have a site, and have a reasonalbly good enough traffic, show me pls.

i will consider.
email info is pretty quick, the only problem I found is that with FTP, The system cannot find the path specified. Keeps showing up, first off you just need to reconnect a couple times then it got serious, i couldnt send any more files.
singhoo may be just be updating something, i will check later.
So, the host is good so far as long as you dont need FTP

EDIT- This FTP problem seems to only come around when uploading PHP and .gif files
HTML are fine
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