Hello people, I am here to talk about PT-BIT // Affordable Webhosting Services
At the moment we are providing free webhosting with some rare features.
We allow any kind of content, only warez, porno, DMCA content is prohibited.
Our free plan consists:
1 Domain or subdomain
1Gb of space
100Gb of bandwidth
Kloxo Panel
You can check more features here: pt-bit.com
Also our hardware is based on OVH Paris.:angel:
At the moment we are providing free webhosting with some rare features.
We allow any kind of content, only warez, porno, DMCA content is prohibited.
Our free plan consists:
1 Domain or subdomain
1Gb of space
100Gb of bandwidth
Kloxo Panel
You can check more features here: pt-bit.com
Also our hardware is based on OVH Paris.:angel: