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managed wordpress hosting

Have Clients. Need Server.


New Member
Hi Everyone.

I currently run a fast growing free hosting service under the name IsMyWebsite. Presently there are over 2000 registered users on the website and approximately 100 new ones joining every day.

While success is great, the load it is putting on the present server is not. When I first started, I formed a partnership with EvenHosting where they would provide the server and I would do everything else. The service caught on immediately and many of our first clients are still hosting with us 7 months later.

EvenHosting was a great host when I joined. The admin was very nice and we were able to work out the details quickly. But then a number of complications arose:

  1. We could not get an automated script to create new WHM accounts, even though I tried about 5 different scripts there were permission denied errors. I would imagine this is probably related to the default chmod settings, which never got resolved. Thus I had to (and still have to) manually validate all clients.
  2. I could not use the PHP mail() function on the server so in order to send automated emails I had to route the system through another server. This is starting to present difficulties because the send limit for the other server is 1000 emails.
  3. The server I was placed had an uptime I would consider less-than-acceptable. Thus, much embarrassment has been caused when the server is down and I have no explanation. The server I was placed on was already shared with hundreds of other clients.
  4. One of our clients is able to use scripting tools to access the MySQL database and make himself a forum admin. EvenHosting's response was to terminate his account without addressing the problem. (Or if the problem was addressed, I didn't receive any notification.)
  5. There is a 'compatibility issue' with upgrading to PHP 5. This presents a disadvantage when appealing to new clients, and many clients are unable to use the service for this reason.
  6. The Fantastico has old scripts with known vulnerabilities. A hacker has used them to gain access and modify index files for a few client websites. The changes were restored from backups.
  7. The average time for receiving replies has gone from a few hours to 2 weeks! I have noticed on the internet, some negative reviews appearing about their service. They were not prepared for growth.
  8. The server is now over 96% full. The memory usage regularly exceeds the acceptable level. Instead of green lights on the status, I am increasingly seeing more red.
  9. EvenHosting was originally considering a deal where TLDs would be available for the base price of $6.50 - but they have since decided against that. I will have to pay the full price.
  10. They presented me data on the price of a new server with a number of possibilities. The only deal my contacts said was good was the most expensive for $299/mo - and still servers can be found for cheaper. There is no way I can afford that expense presently, and if I was to consider it I would need to make sure I could afford it for at least a year.

And thus, the options are either to remove clients or to find a new partner. As much as I don't want to upset EvenHosting, I also don't want to upset hundreds of people who will have to face rejection. And so, the decision is made.

I am looking for a new partner with a good quality server capable of hosting thousands of clients. I would like good uptime. I would like good security. I would prefer PHP 5. I must have WHM and CPanel - and really would like to create automated accounts. Two types of partners would work best:

1) A free host with similar values and goals. This would function as a sort of merger, and we would work together for the goals of both hosts. The user would be offered their choice of subdomain. Profits (above the cost of server maintenance and upgrades) would likely be split.

2) A paid host that would offer this mainly for their own fame. Profits would be split, and all clients who are ready to advance to paid hosting would be directed their way.

I will be deciding the partner based on:
  • Server Specs
  • Personality
  • Availability (MSN Prefered)
  • Previous Track Record
  • Goals
  • Values
  • Website Features

Please indicate interest by PM. Post any questions below.
Are you saying you have 2000 'hosted' client and 100 new each day? Or is it 2000 forum members?

What are you are you actually needing regarding your hosting?
There are over 2000 users registered on the site. That statistic goes up by about 100 every day.

Most people, however, don't want to go through the process of waiting for their website to be validated. Which is why there are less people with active websites.

Our forum really lacks content because I haven't advertised it a whole lot, and many of my clients don't have time for that type of thing.

What I need:
  • WHM
  • CPanel
  • A good server to support thousands of client websites
  • A partner who is approachable and friendly
  • A service that is stable, reliable, and secure
  • A partner with similar motivation
  • PHP
  • CGI
  • Ability to send email (for me)
  • Fantastico

What I want:
  • ASP
  • Enable mail for clients
  • Someone with MSN
  • TLD Discount
  • Room for growth
  • Green hosting?
  • Any additional resources would be beneficial
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Now point into bullet points what we would gain. (Off course, it does not have to be money or anything like that but this will help people decide if they should help you out).
That's about 2 servers then for shared hosting at a low level. Sticking 800 on one shared is just wrong.

Bye bye this thread!!!
Spoke to him earlier. He has 800 clients, 2000 registered users.
That is because a lot of websites try to register for illegal content, or they don't want to wait. Also, over 200 people have submitted their website for review and are still waiting for it to be accepted as I write this.

That's about 2 servers then for shared hosting at a low level. Sticking 800 on one shared is just wrong.

Bye bye this thread!!!
Of course sticking 800 clients on one server is, as you put it, 'wrong'. That's why I'm looking to expand. The present server is really nice though, and is holding together very well for it's load.
Now point into bullet points what we would gain. (Off course, it does not have to be money or anything like that but this will help people decide if they should help you out).

Sorry, I missed this earlier.

First, I am willing to display the partner as a link on every page of the site (where EvenHosting is right now). Secondly, you can get further advertising on our network.

As far as profits go, once the server and updates are looked after, it would be split between me and my partner. I'm not looking to piggy-back off someone without giving anything back.

I have experienced running a host for 8 months now. I know how to advertise. And once I attract new clients, I know how to create satisfaction that even becomes devotion.

You mentioned ASP on your "What I want section" I thought cPanel servers doesn't support that?

I believe ASP can be installed to work with CPanel. I personally don't use ASP, and it's optional.
"As far as profits go, once the server and updates are looked after, it would be split between me and my partner. I'm not looking to piggy-back off someone without giving anything back."

How will you get profits from a service that does not show any ads on any of your users websites. Could you explain in more detail in why we should invest in this?
My service requires users to place non-intrusive and customizable advertisements on their websites. I created my own advertising system and have a few advertisers at present. (Only $40 approx. has been made so far.)

There are also AdSense on the main website which get about $1 / day.

If it's about your survival as a host, that's fine. But if you're interested because you want to make fortunes this is not going to do that and I already have a few interested partners.
Hi, I would love to speak to you about this. We can accomidate your users as well as work out the income. The FBox Network currently hosts over 7000 members and is rapidly growing daily. With 2000 sites, you income should cover MANY servers if you are using ad media (such as adsense).

As I said, I would gladly speak with you about this by phone, email, or MSN.

Please let me know if you would be interested.
I've made my offer, But I don't know if it will hold 800 sites... Ill speak to you on MSN about it...
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