Hello. I am seeking hosting for my website, www.lastsig.com
At moment it is not running smoothly as my current host has disabled url_open.
The site offer people to use image on forums/websites/myspace.
The website doesn't use a lot of bandwidth atm, only about 12-15GB a month. It is growing slowly.
So I am looking for about 500 - 1000 mb of diskspace and about 20 or so GB of bandwidth.
The website produces dynamic signatures, however it doesn't abuse ther servers CPU. I have them update every 5 mintutes upon being clicked on, so there are not so many requests per a second.
So any offers would be appreciated. I would like to resolve things as quickly as possible. You may experience a bit of a burst of system use in first day of hosting my website as things are being created, but after a few days it will slow down.
Thanks in advance for anyone with their offers.
At moment it is not running smoothly as my current host has disabled url_open.
The site offer people to use image on forums/websites/myspace.
The website doesn't use a lot of bandwidth atm, only about 12-15GB a month. It is growing slowly.
So I am looking for about 500 - 1000 mb of diskspace and about 20 or so GB of bandwidth.
The website produces dynamic signatures, however it doesn't abuse ther servers CPU. I have them update every 5 mintutes upon being clicked on, so there are not so many requests per a second.
So any offers would be appreciated. I would like to resolve things as quickly as possible. You may experience a bit of a burst of system use in first day of hosting my website as things are being created, but after a few days it will slow down.
Thanks in advance for anyone with their offers.