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managed wordpress hosting

hosting please


New Member
Hello I need hosting for my domain TheIslamicTruth.com which will be in English.

I will need
- At least 500 MB space.
- 5 GB bandwidth.
- Cpanel
- No Ads, but I can have a link back to the site.
I think our Wilky 1 Plan will be perfect for you. If you wish for more space please pm me and i will try to work something out for you!

Wilky 1:
100 MB Storage
5 gigs Transfer
5 of each feature (MySQL, FTP Accounts, subdomains, email accounts, etc)
Number of available accounts: 15
Wilkys required per month: 10

All accounts come with cpanel.

Packages are ad free! and no link back required. Only forum posts and our community is fun, active and friendly!
i can offer you our ZeroOne Plan

QP - ZeroOne
100mb Space
1GB Bandwidth
10 of Each Feature (Databases etc)
No Domains
Cron Jobs
Raw Log Managers
Apache Handlers
All in return of a leaderboard bidvertiser ad

Post An Application In Forum on http://quotapanel.us.to/forum To Sign UP or pm me

as said u wont need that much space
if u want i can upgrade bandwidth as ur site grows
done your account has been created....if you need any more upgrades please feel free to contact me!

And that's one more happy client!