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It's possible to stay up close to 10 days. I know people who have done it before.
But your right about dreaming while your awake. It can drive you crazy and people have gone mad over this type of thing.
This is interesting though. I believe that if it was possible to stay up more then a few months straight, if this was possible, the human brain would gain control over that other 89% percent of their brain that they don't use. The human brain uses anywhere between 11-19 percent of their brain at the same time. Granted we do use all of our brain but it's different parts at different times that make up this average percentage.
If one could stay awake for more then a month, their brain control would heighten so much that they would make an enormous amount of use with their brain. This is just to say that they wouldn't experience the affects of staying awake while they weren't sleeping.