To anyone who is having problems reaching their hosting provider irregardless
of who your hosting provider might be, you need to read this ASAP...
It's now around 2:30 AM EST on October 30th and Level 3 just went down
much worse than another major internet network which died yesterday.
Our ping tests are suddenly reporting 99.5% packet loss and latency times in
excess of 2 seconds at Level 3's gateway located in Seattle, Washington and
a separate 18.7% packet loss reported at Level 3's gateway in Dallas, Texas.
Anyone routing across the internet to anywhere via Level 3 is going to have
some really, really crappy connections right now.
Grouptelecom in Vancouver, British Columbia is also returning a 36.2%
packet loss and average latency of 460 ms.
Alter.Net is registering a 4.1% packet loss in their New York gateway and
above normal latency at an average of 118 ms response time.
As I am writing this, I just got a brand new report just now of 21.3% packet loss
and very high 682 ms latency across Verio's backbone network in Chicago, Illinois.
For all of you who don't understand networking very well, what all the above
means is that there is currently problems with routing across the whole entire
internet right now that could make your hosting provider or any other websites
you may visit appear to be down or running very slow when they actually could
be running just fine with no trouble but you don't know it because the internet
is currently messed up for lack of a better word.
Some web sites you try to visit may be connecting great, others may appear to
be going very slow, and you may not be able to connect to other sites at all!
Hope the internet clears up soon because all these gateway malfunctions are totally
and completely screwing up the internet and probably needlessly making a lot of
people panic and mistakenly think all their hosts have gone out of business!
of who your hosting provider might be, you need to read this ASAP...
It's now around 2:30 AM EST on October 30th and Level 3 just went down
much worse than another major internet network which died yesterday.
Our ping tests are suddenly reporting 99.5% packet loss and latency times in
excess of 2 seconds at Level 3's gateway located in Seattle, Washington and
a separate 18.7% packet loss reported at Level 3's gateway in Dallas, Texas.
Anyone routing across the internet to anywhere via Level 3 is going to have
some really, really crappy connections right now.
Grouptelecom in Vancouver, British Columbia is also returning a 36.2%
packet loss and average latency of 460 ms.
Alter.Net is registering a 4.1% packet loss in their New York gateway and
above normal latency at an average of 118 ms response time.
As I am writing this, I just got a brand new report just now of 21.3% packet loss
and very high 682 ms latency across Verio's backbone network in Chicago, Illinois.
For all of you who don't understand networking very well, what all the above
means is that there is currently problems with routing across the whole entire
internet right now that could make your hosting provider or any other websites
you may visit appear to be down or running very slow when they actually could
be running just fine with no trouble but you don't know it because the internet
is currently messed up for lack of a better word.
Some web sites you try to visit may be connecting great, others may appear to
be going very slow, and you may not be able to connect to other sites at all!
Hope the internet clears up soon because all these gateway malfunctions are totally
and completely screwing up the internet and probably needlessly making a lot of
people panic and mistakenly think all their hosts have gone out of business!