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IRCd Hosting Request

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New Member
I am searching for a cheap IRCd host.

Users: 500 or less ( probably 250-500 to be safe )
Setup: Free ( meaning, would need help installing IRCd software / Services )
Backgrounds: 3 ( 1 for IRCd, 1 for Services *i.e. Chanserv / NickServ / etc, and one for bnc or psybnc )
Hub or Leaf: Either, I guess. Still new, so not sure which I would really need or would want
Price: Under $20 a month would be nice.

Extras : Possibility to offer e-mail service as well, as I would be transfering my domain name to the IRC service, and would like to try and keep my e-mail addresses.
I can give you 200MB disk space, 4 background processes, 500 user limit.
But we DO NOT allow hub (nickserv, chanserv) for 20$.

Only the largest package: 300MB disk space, 6 background processes, 1000 user limit.
For 30$ per month.

I can help you to install if you provide me a tutorial of it. I dont have mutch experience with IRC. I use only hosting accounts.

MSN/e-mail: ruicruz@forunsbb.com


PS: please some moderator move this to paid foruns.
IRCd is some complicated software, and it's not easy to maintain a network, I suggest you aquaint yourself with how to install it as this will work towards what you need to know to maintain it, it wouldn't really be fair to take on this sort of service if you do not know how to use it....
There is a little difference between knowing how to install the software and how to operate in IRC.

Its like telling me I need to know how to build a computer before I go buy myself one - so I know more about them.

If you don't have an offer, please just move on.
KRAK_JOE said:
IRCd is some complicated software, and it's not easy to maintain a network, I suggest you aquaint yourself with how to install it as this will work towards what you need to know to maintain it, it wouldn't really be fair to take on this sort of service if you do not know how to use it....

We provide system support ONLY.

- - -

dotsmatrix said:
There is a little difference between knowing how to install the software and how to operate in IRC.

Its like telling me I need to know how to build a computer before I go buy myself one - so I know more about them.

If you don't have an offer, please just move on.

If you do not acept my offer, I can remove 2.5$ to each offer... (yes, this is my final offer)

I can do this but you would need to set this up because i have little knowledge about ircd

But i can probally help you set this up a little bit

i will give you cpanel with your requirements and ssh access

please contact me via ticket or live chat on my website

Our IRCd Plan

Our IRCd Hosting at $19.95/Mon with 1 Month of FREE Hosting, Money Back Guarantee and No Setup Fee will suit you,

Disk Space - 3 GB
Bandwidth - 60 GB

Virtual Memory (RAM) - 184 MB
Processes - 40
Dedicated IPs - 2

Included - VPS Admin Panel, CP+ (30 Day Free Trial), Complete SSH Root Access, Install & Run Your Own Applications, Manage Own Config Files, Complete Independence, Own Network Configuration & Routing Tables, Full Control Over Files & Processes, Virtual Ethernet, Own Hostname, Configure Own DNS Servers, Pre-Installed Services (Mysql Apache Bind vsftpd & proftpd)

Included Upon Request - Webmin, Usermin, Virtualmin & E-Mail Services.

Check out our Deluxe Bonus Package worth of $145.95 included with this plan @ Premium VPS Plan

If interested send me a PM or Mail to sales@ourinternet.us.
It is a VPS?

If so....:

jasontd101 said:
Included - VPS Admin Panel
Complete Independence

Sorry, VPS is a shared environment.

Dont let your costumers think you run a "private environment". Why? Simple -- you cant!

dotsmatrix said:
There is a little difference between knowing how to install the software and how to operate in IRC.

Its like telling me I need to know how to build a computer before I go buy myself one - so I know more about them.

If you don't have an offer, please just move on.

No your entirely wrong actually.

The knowledge needed to install most of them is next to nothing, but to maintain a network requires a whole lot more.

So shhh
SlAiD said:
Sorry, VPS is a shared environment.

Dont let your costumers think you run a "private environment". Why? Simple -- you cant!
Virtual private servers are completely isolated from each other and from their main physical server. Each of VPS has,

• complete isolation of virtual server processes, even from the root server
• independence from underlying hardware
• virtual servers can be easily moved to another physical server

That what i'm trying to say there, nothing more than that.
VPS is a shared environment -- period.
If I run a VPS with hith I/O for example or if I have allways 30+ of load, the entire node will feet that.

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