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managed wordpress hosting

Liway free cPanel hosting - 5GBs space / 125GBs band - NO Ads!

Liway is back up, after our datacenter was hacked and more than 100 servers were wiped.


From 50MBs to 5,000MBs of space
From 1,250MBs to 125,000MBs of bandwidth

All plans come with:
No Ads of any Kind!
cPanel X with unlimited features (domain, email, database, ect)
Over 100 Scripts Installed.
PHP, Perl, CGI, SSI, Python, JSP
Cron Jobs
Frontpage Extensions
Custom Error Pages
Agora Shopping Cart
Script Library
HotLink Protection
Leech Detect
Virus Scanner
And more...

More info at
JesseGraham said:
I STRONGLY! Suggest liway, very reliable, they have only had ONE! down seesion since i have been with them :D
I saw you requesting hosting in several threads untill yesterday, lol

Some hosts just don't quite get the picture that posting to host IS NOT A HOT TREND. It's about one of the only surefire ways to get tons of spam flowing into the veins of your site.

Starcraftmazter said:
Liway is back up, after our datacenter was hacked and more than 100 servers were wiped.


From 50MBs to 5,000MBs of space
From 1,250MBs to 125,000MBs of bandwidth

All plans come with:
No Ads of any Kind!
cPanel X with unlimited features (domain, email, database, ect)
Over 100 Scripts Installed.
PHP, Perl, CGI, SSI, Python, JSP
Cron Jobs
Frontpage Extensions
Custom Error Pages
Agora Shopping Cart
Script Library
HotLink Protection
Leech Detect
Virus Scanner
And more...

More info at
scylla said:
Some hosts just don't quite get the picture that posting to host IS NOT A HOT TREND. It's about one of the only surefire ways to get tons of spam flowing into the veins of your site.

Some people don't get the picture that there MUST be some way the user "pays" for hosting if it's not with real money, otherwise the host doesn't have a chance in hell to survive or provide a good service.