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managed wordpress hosting

My Friend Needs Hosting for increasingly popular site


New Member
A friend of mine runs a Big Brother website which is increasingly popular and the host the site is currently on only offers 5GB Bandwidth and thats not free!, can anyone host him?


Disk Space: 250MB (although would settle for less)
Bandwidth: 20-30GB
3 MySQL Databases (if possible)
he already has a domain name, and would want to continue using it

could put a button on the homepage and link to them at the bottom in the copyright
No Post to Host please as he needs this pretty quick!
Last edited:
How about 500MB Diskspace and 40GB bandwidth for an ad banner (728x90) on every page?

PM me if interested

PS; This offer is ONLY for D2k, so I want no one else PMing me..
Well if the site is that popular he should have added Ads on every page and would have earned like atleast 3$ a day :)
Try our hosting plan.

To request hosting just open a thread in our Request Free Hosting Forum.

SZS Network said:
Try our hosting plan.

To request hosting just open a thread in our Request Free Hosting Forum.


But it has ad's... He does not want ad's...
Button On Every Page And "and link to them at the bottom in the copyright"

And we can Make The Deal ;)!
PM Me .
Thank you !

I am the person D2K is talking about, who is looking for the webhost. I'm still looking - like I said before, I'll put a link in the copyright... something like "Powered by XHOST.net" or something, and also a button on the mainpage.

:) I have PMd you Mogadishu, and flankerdin - that's a nice offer but you don't make it clear what I need to do to get the hosting. I don't want to be waiting around here for ages for activation and the like.
flankerdin said:
I still did not received ur PM...
Maybe you should visit our forum http://forums.x0b.net/

"forums.x0b.net could not be found. Please try again later"

It's like it to most people. Many people have been coming to Liberty-Host saying they can't get on your forum, and one person hosted at: http://md5.x0b.net says the hosting is so slow, it's not worth 1 post...
maxijames said:

I am the person D2K is talking about, who is looking for the webhost. I'm still looking - like I said before, I'll put a link in the copyright... something like "Powered by XHOST.net" or something, and also a button on the mainpage.

:) I have PMd you Mogadishu, and flankerdin - that's a nice offer but you don't make it clear what I need to do to get the hosting. I don't want to be waiting around here for ages for activation and the like.

:angel: .. Account CREATED :D