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NBCi Shutting Down?

Well it makes you wonder....They put $55 million into Xoom, where did it go?? Imagine what I could do with that much.

Remember when.....
May 10, 1999

June 1999
("NBC's $55 million investment demonstrates our increased commitment to Xoom.com and NBCi,")

Wonderful, they are teaching people how to spam...
(Over the past four years, we have sent over one billion promotional emails to our XOOM.com, Snap.com and ComFind Members, offering them a wide range of products and services. Our first-hand experience has taught us which strategies and techniques work, and which do not. And we'd be happy to share what we've learned with you.)

Ouch! 95% drop in stock. From $106 to only $5. That will leave a mark.

Oh I know where that $55 million went to, they turned around and invested $70 mill into Telocity. What a wonder.

Oh well, I'm going to bed :)
yeah there go half of the warez sites on the net, haha i am kidding it will shut down a lot of people though