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Need free hosting!


New Member
Hello, I am in need of free cpanel hosting with 400MB space.

I will host my website on there. The website will be like an arcade.

Like racing gamas, rpg games, and it will also include a phpbb3 forum.


I also need an SMPT server. Thanks.
Tex, thats what I need. Is it free for now?

we offer free account with 2000 MB Bandwidth and 200 MB disk space, but, as we faced a lot of spam and fraud operations in our free accounts, unfortunately we forced to block php scripts for free accounts.
php and mysql are available on our pro-mod accounts for $1 monthly . in pro-mod the bandwidth and disk space will rise to 5 GB and 60 GB and you will be able to customize your account manually if you need further facilities.oldman2
I haven't found any yet. I will try yours JLHC. Thanks!

Edit: JLCH, your hosting is bad, I do not want Vista Panel. I am sorry. I said cPanel.
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I haven't found any yet. I will try yours JLHC. Thanks!

Edit: JLCH, your hosting is bad, I do not want Vista Panel. I am sorry. I said cPanel.


Doesn't comes with cpanel means my hosting is bad?? :confused4
You know what I mean. Like I really like cPanel. I really do not like the Vista Panel. Its kind of annoying and hard to get around.
You know what I mean. Like I really like cPanel. I really do not like the Vista Panel. Its kind of annoying and hard to get around.

Did you know Vista Panel is actually a very easy-to-use skin for cPanel? :) I am surprised you do not like it.
Did you know Vista Panel is actually a very easy-to-use skin for cPanel? :) I am surprised you do not like it.

Vista Panel = glitchy and over-rated. At least from all of the reviews I've been reading.

As for the OP's request, I can offer the following:

Disk Space: 500MB
Bandwidth: 5GB
Features: 10
8 Posts per Month
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