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I can arrange a custom plan for you for just $2/month.
Here is what it will include:
2 GB disk space.
30 GB bandwidth.
at least 20 account limits.
cPanel|RVSkins|RVSite Builder|Softaculous|99.9% Uptime Guarantee
Here is url:
You will need to submit a ticket so we can arrange a custom plan.
We have a small reseller plan that should help you out.
Basic Reseller:
- 10 G storage
- 50 G bandwidth
- 1 static ip
- Typical cpanel / fantastico / rvskins / rvsitebuilder for free
- Overselling is enabled
This is only $7.95 / month or $79.50 / year.
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In response to most of the above posters - the OP specified his budget, and hasn't replied saying he's willing to increase it. So why spam the thread with these $10/month plans?
Obosor, I suppose I can't speak for the rest of hosts on FWS, but your budget is simply too low for the diskspace and bandwith you're asking for.
2 GB disk space.
30 GB bandwidth.
at least 20 account limits.
cPanel|RVSkins|RVSite Builder|Softaculous|99.9% Uptime Guarantee
Reliable and Stable host.