I will give you my frank opinion. I did not like it.
The point of a Flash intro is to amaze the visitor and give them a small preview and what to expect in the site. But all I saw was the logo "FLASHBOY" floating around with the occasional lightning storm and other bright flashes. I was left confused of what to expect when the long intro finally finished.
Also, intros should not be 2 minutes long. They should be under 45 seconds and leave the visitor hungry for more info. Your intro was 2 minutes long and practically devoid of any information.
You have to download some fonts too. You should not use Times New Roman, especially when you're using Flash. With Flash, you don't have to worry about HTML and font compatibilities so why not go with a little-known, but hot-looking font?
You need to shorten the intro, include some tantalizing pics of what you offer, brush up on your graphics skills, use more stylish fonts, and make the HTML section work. It didn't even load on my 36.6k and 800x600 IE.
No hard feelings please, I'm just trying to help.