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For those of you still interested. I launched Singular Vault,, a few weeks ago and it's been going pretty well. If you are interested, email me at nanbread[at] I'll set up an account. Unmetered use during the alpha testing period and max file size is 2MB per file. Note that this is a new service that is still in it's alpha stage so I can not guarantee that it will be up 100% of the time and that it will be error free.
As of a few days ago, I've got a serious problem in Yahoo! Briefcase that I need help with.
When ever I try to do anything on the Briefcase case, I get the following message :
"The document contains no data"
I've got many, many very important files (text, data, etc.) and cannot access any of them.
Any help would be appreciated - or - if I'm in the wrong place, please excuse me & advise where I can address the problem other than to Yahoo, they haven't answered !