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Photography Site, What do you think?


Jay Street
Hey everyone, new site to review again. I am working on my fathers photography site, but it is not completed yet. Please review and let me know of any errors that are there so far. I havent found any with crossbroswer referencing yet, but you may. i know there is not much contect yet, and i am working on changing the gallery possibly. it will look the same, but hopefully function better when i change the script. reason being, is that a couple of the images show up a little messed up when using the script i am using, and not sure why, so i need to fix that, and you dont need to tell me, but thanks anyways on that part. :)


if you have any ideas, please, dont hesitate to tell them to me. thanks in advance to everyone that reviews.
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ok, photo gallery has been changes to a better one that i created. now it seems to load faster and work better. please, let me know what you think.
Ako said:
Indeed, not bad. Only I think u should add a copyright at the bottom...
definately will do, just havent gotten that far into it yet. but thanks for the input.
Jon86 said:
The site is neat, easy to use and will get the point accross, in a nutshell good job :)
I appreciate all the great comments so far. when you guys and gals get a chance, check out the event / stock photo gallery and let me know if it all works good for you. the b & w one only has a few pics so far, but will be adding more in the next few days as I get them. :biggrin2:
I like the site although the font is horible mostly just the content change that to a nice tomaha or century gothic lol it just looks weird like that but an over all statement clan, fun, its a good template
veggie1232 said:
I like the site although the font is horible mostly just the content change that to a nice tomaha or century gothic lol it just looks weird like that but an over all statement clan, fun, its a good template

you might have been experiancing the same problem as my dad was on his work comp, but on no other comp, so i am not sure what it llokd like to you, but i did change it to verdana and fixed the style shee so that is is also w3c valid. maybe i will try a couple other fonts. thanks veggie. :)
There fixed any text issues now, and was having trouble in firefox with the new updates, but fixed that as well. thanks for the comments, and if you have more, please let me know. thanks.
aahhhhh, dont you love it when you figure out how to do something you did know know was possible. i have found out that to do a paypal purchase button, you DONT need to use the actual one that is made when you use reamweaver, and i am sure you all know you can use a normal submit button with the paypal code instead. but what i didnt know how to do was use a regular text link to submit the info instead. not only use a text link instead, but how to do it withought even using a form and a submit button. well, if you didnt know already, i am here to tell you, it is posible. :) no more ugly paypal buttons, and none of that huge spaceing that is created automatically when trying to put a form in a table. it is very simple. here is a sample link:
<a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=youremail@address.com&item_name=ITEM NAME HERE&item_number=item_number_here&amount=65.00&currency_code=USD&shipping=3.00&shipping2=1.00&handling=3.00&no_shipping=0&no_note=0&return=http://www.yoursite.com/successlinkhere&cancel_return=http://www.yoursite.com/cancellinkhere&undefined_quantity=1&receiver_email=youremail@address.com">LINK GOES HERE</a>
as you can see, all the normal input values you would put in the paypal form and script to make the button take you to paypal to purchase a product, have all been embedded in to this simple link. each input value you would like to use in the normal form, can be dont in this link useing the "&" symbol to seperate what would be the input names and values of the form. check out http://www.stgphoto.com/purchase.php to see the script in action. not fully completed for all pictures in the purchase section of the site yet, but will be finished by the end of the day. give me some feedback on what you think about this. I was pretty excited when i figured this out, and hopefully you will be too. :) thanks for the comments, and i look forward to reading more. thanks.

edit: I forgot to mention, you dont need all the different things in the link to make it work, you can remove the things that you may not want, like the success page and the cancel page, but deleat that part including the "&" symbol. :)
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LiquidGoat said:
Seeing this site...I get a sensation of Deja Vu.

lol, that is because i posted a similar one a couple months back when i was trying to talk my father into using the desing, but he finally decided he liked it more thans the one he had, and we changed a couple things and started building. site is almost finished now. i just need some pictures to finish the galleries and then it is complete. nice to see you back on hee Liquid Goat. I havent seen you on in a while. :biggrin2:
well, purchasing section all works now, but i am working on a better scritp for it in the background an dgiving it a content management system for the client to have a way to update the pics in the purchase section.
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally finished the site, and got the purchase section working perfectly, and even made an admin area for the client to be able to remove and add pictures to the purchase section himself. Any feedback on the finished site would be great.
Its very sell dont although its very attractive by the way its constructed it needs more color if you have the original pic that was color id sujest like having the people black and white and the background colored or vise versa which adds a good effect... color is very good when it comes to website because it directs people to where you want there eyes to go

another thing is say when you go the the gallery page its just a little boring try making some buttons and not just text and maybe put a little thumbnail image next to it like an example of one of the pics that would add some livly ness to that page take that into consideration

but all in all the site looks great keep it up
veggie1232 said:
Its very sell dont although its very attractive by the way its constructed it needs more color if you have the original pic that was color id sujest like having the people black and white and the background colored or vise versa which adds a good effect... color is very good when it comes to website because it directs people to where you want there eyes to go

another thing is say when you go the the gallery page its just a little boring try making some buttons and not just text and maybe put a little thumbnail image next to it like an example of one of the pics that would add some livly ness to that page take that into consideration

but all in all the site looks great keep it up
I really appreciate the feedback, and the small thumnail nect to the text link is a great idea, and i think i will go with it. thanks for the input, and maybe i will change the grid to a light blue or something to bring more color in. thanks again. :D