Divine Hosting
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Im trying too add html in my email List
Can anyOne help?
When It Send's Out,It Only Send's the html Code,I want images,link's ect To Work
Can anyOne help?
When It Send's Out,It Only Send's the html Code,I want images,link's ect To Work
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $nletter=$_POST['nletter']; $subject=$_POST['subject']; $nletter=stripslashes($nletter); $subject=stripslashes($subject); $selectmails="SELECT * from m_list where validated='1' and mailed='0'"; $selectmails2=mysql_query($selectmails) or die("Could not select mails"); while($selectmails3=mysql_fetch_array($selectmails2)) { mail("$selectmails3[address]","$subject","$nletternUnsubscribe here (http://www.djluisonline.com/mailinglist/index.php)","From: $yourmail"); $setassend="update m_list set mailed='1' where mailid='$selectmails3[mailid]'"; mysql_query($setassend) or die("COuld not set as send"); } print "Newsletter Sent";