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managed wordpress hosting

pls review my humor site

Also, the site seems to be too congested. I think categorizing the contents in a proper manner may help a bit....
It looks like you put only enough content in to try to hide the fact that its not a humor site, but rather just a "google ad" page. I understand you want to make some money off it as well, but you have WAY to much of the advertising to keep people around. Also the bright yellow background is harsh on the eyes for viewers to stick around for long. Your site banner is pretty plain, which is not bad, mine is plain to, but even going with a plain banner it should look like you put more than 30 seconds into it. The content you do have, could certainly be laid out in a more space officiant manner as well. Its a good start, everyone has to start somewhere. Now that you have a base though, its time to turn up the heat and step it up a notch.
that one put me off my lunch, a blast from the early 90's.... Id recommend getting your $'s back from the seller.
is it just me, or is the site even worse than before. the logo is even harder to read, and the color is still hideous.
consider to use a good design,
using only yellow color is not so attractive
use some more colors. make it more pleasing
the site seems to be too long.
you may reduce the length by placing the all text in a 3 column layout.
there are some keywords at the bottom. i think search engines can spot them.
consider to use a good design,
using only yellow color is not so attractive
use some more colors. make it more pleasing
the site seems to be too long.
you may reduce the length by placing the all text in a 3 column layout.
there are some keywords at the bottom. i think search engines can spot them.

Is it better now?

For the keywords at the bottom, will that hurt? I saw many sites have the same thing.

I would still say that the site is still to one-color , also you might want to make your menus a bit more dynamic and try to give your page a structure