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Review icesweet.com

You are a Chinese? Anyway, the template is too wordy, and why are there so many 女人? But most Chinese sites are this way anyway. Try to reduce on the amount of characters and make it more colourful, with some flash images may be good.

I'm yet to see a Chinese site that's simple :p
It looks nice though. I don't understand it, so I can't comment on if the design fits its purpose. Looks like a shop though.
You are a Chinese? Anyway, the template is too wordy, and why are there so many 女人? But most Chinese sites are this way anyway. Try to reduce on the amount of characters and make it more colourful, with some flash images may be good.


But,character is also so many.Chinese is so many
I like both the site template and the forum one, but was a bit confused since I couldn't understand a word :(