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Review my website: tadejpersic.50webs.com


New Member
Hello everybody, I am asking you folks to please review my general personal website titled simply as "Tadej's website", which is written in valid XHTML and CSS (mostly "typed by hands" and with a bit of copy/paste), and is edited/updated by me only.

Below is the link to the mentioned website:


The website basically describes and lists links to my other websites and blogs (i.e. it is not computing-related, nor non-computing related), and it is only a some sort of a navigational site. Note however that it is not finished yet, for instance I yet need to decide which colour to choose for background and link-colouring (i.e. visited, hover, active), then I need to choose a "favicon.ico" file to use on all the site's pages, also, I will probably change the "table-based" layout into "CSS-based" one and so on. By the way, you may notice that I don't use underlying for "normal" words (i.e. not links) to prevent the confusion and to follow the standards.

So in one sentence: I am simply asking for any webcoding related feedback; I mean feedback in regard to general document coding (i.e. HTML, CSS etc.), and also feedback on AdSense ad-placement and so on.

thanks, shirker
Hello shirker,
I think you can develope your site well.
try to use some images
use more colors
use different color combination
Better to have some heading
menu font size is too small
try to devide the introduction into different paragraphs
Hey all and thank you all for the replies. You see as mentioned, the site is not even nearly finished yet. Also note that I've partially used the code from my main computing-related Tadej's computing homepage website (for instance for the table in the middle in particular from the intro.html page) as a template for this website.

And finally, as mentioned the website itself: the emphasis is on the website's content and not the outlook, since I've tried to make it as simple and fast-loading as possible, i.e. there is no "fancy" code etc., only pure content/text !!

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