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If you are requiring a free host for your requirement then you can find many. But they are usually not referred if you are into serious business. Free hosts generally comes with limited spaces and services. They may be filled with advertisements and also their support service is always not responsive.
You do understand that this is a FREE hosting forum right, and that lecturing folks about free vs. paid when they make a request is completely silly and pointless?
Hamed, most hosts (free or paid) will not let you use their space for backups, so I'm not really sure what you're going to find out there. Wasn't Amazon giving a small amount of space for free at one point? If so, you might want to go that route.
Being a human we need some space everywhere, like the earth there is always space. But in term of space for backup sound very urgent. Technically, yes you can not keep a back up without space. So make a Space for backup...