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i have had no problems with powweb ... they are quick to help when u need assistance, however they were not my choice for a domain ... my mom chose them for their tennis site i had to put together =\ .. << hosted by powweb ... pretty good host in my opinion!
Well, since hosting is exploding right now, the best we can hope to do is rake them over the coals by reading every possible thing we can about them, looking for holes, and asking in forums.
For example, I found this @ their site:
There will be a $150 clean up fee if an account was suspended for policy violation. There is a 1000 Email limit that can be sent out within a 24 hour period. There is a 2Gb bandwidth limit per day and 30Gb per month.
This seems pretty extreme to me especially if you have an email-related biz. I also think that the U$7.95 a month is pretty high. Luckily, we have a lot of hosts to choose from these days.
I now understand that hosts offer huge amounts of Mb knowing you'll never use it...yet refuse to allow multiple-domains because they want you to sign up several accounts.
hahaha it is good we have ppl who comb thru these things like mad .... i however wouldnt really chose powweb but ... this is what my mom got. I normally get to know the ppl who own these hosters first ... (not sayin that I know a lot of ppl) but i do try to get to know who they are!
powweb wouldnt b my first choice but what do i noe?