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the problem that i can't slove (asp)


New Member
i am having some problem and this problem is making my project more and more complicated as i procede please help
i am using ultradev 4

my db table looks like this

Table name= user_info

id | name | email | rate1 | rate2 | rate3 | rate4 | rate5|Url
1 |karen |Me@S.com | 1 | | 3 | 2 | 5 |http://someserver.com/mypic.jpg
2 |me |u@s.com | | 1 | | | |http://someserver.com/yourpic.jpg
3 |u |b@s.com | 4 | | 3 | 1 | |http://myserver.com/coolpic.jpg

ok on the main page i make a rs of the above table (user_info) and then add a dynamic image in the page from the
url coloum , now i made five radio buttons - when click on the button it will submit the value of the radio button which is 1 in this case
now when everi selected the radiou button labled rate 1 rate 2 raet 3 it makes a new row in the db - what i want is that it do not make a new row but it add the
rating to the excisting coloum from which the image is coming from.if the image-url is coming from the karen record(see above table) then it should add the rating to
that row (1+1=2 or 2+5=8) it should not make a new row but when i try it makes a new row that i do not want

secondly i want to out put the rating of specific user for example in above table i want to show the total rating by adding all coloums rate1+rate2+rate3+rate4+rate5 and % of karen url
i want to out put that as a line graph like 1 people rate her rate1, 0 people rate her rate2, 3 people rate her rate 3 and so on.. all that in graph .
that is all i want - i tried my best to explain what i am messing with.please help - i want to do that in ud4 with almost no hand coding -if i should use hand coding then
please provide me with the code

sorry for bad english.

thank you and waiting for a helpfull reply .

no i am using update -

i want to rate the random pic which is comming froma access db and store every pic rating in there respective coloum

that i cant do

any help ???
ok here it is what i am trying to do but no luck.
the scripts take values from the cloum and display the % and total votes of every image -- but it is not displying for every image it is only displaying for the first image in the db -- look at the script and tell me what is wrong.

<!--#include file="Connections/ruhot.asp" -->
set Recordset1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Recordset1.ActiveConnection = ruhot
Recordset1.Source = "SELECT * FROM user_info"
Recordset1.CursorType = 0
Recordset1.CursorLocation = 2
Recordset1.LockType = 3
Recordset1_numRows = 0

dim Total_votes
dim Percent
Total_Votes = Recordset1("pic_rate1").Value + Recordset1("pic_rate2").Value + Recordset1("pic_rate3").Value+ Recordset1("pic_rate4").Value+ Recordset1("pic_rate5").Value+ Recordset1("pic_rate6").Value+ Recordset1("pic_rate7").Value+ Recordset1("pic_rate8").Value+ Recordset1("pic_rate9").Value+ Recordset1("pic_rate10").Value

Response.write "Total "
Response.write " "
Response.Write ""& Recordset1("pic_rate1").Value & ""
Response.write " "
Response.write "People Rated you"
Response.Write " "
Response.Write " 1 "
Response.write "<br>"

Percent = FormatNumber((Recordset1("pic_rate1").Value)/(Total_votes)*100,1)

<b> <font color="#FF0000">
Response.Write (Percent)
response.write "%"
</font> </b> <img src="vote.gif" width="<%=percent%>" height="5">
Response.write "<br>"
Response.write "Total "
Response.write " "
Response.Write ""& objRS("pic_rate2").Value & ""
Response.write " "
Response.write "People Rated you"
Response.Write " "
Response.Write " 2 "
Response.write "<br>"

Percent = FormatNumber((objRS("pic_rate2").Value)/(Total_votes)*100,1)

<b> <font color="#FF0000">
Response.Write (Percent)
response.write "%"
</font> </b> <img src="vote.gif" width="<%=percent%>" height="5">
Response.write "<br>"
Response.write "Total "
Response.write " "
Response.Write ""& objRS("pic_rate3").Value & ""
Response.write " "
Response.write "People Rated you"
Response.Write " "
Response.Write " 3 "
Response.write "<br>"

Percent = FormatNumber((objRS("pic_rate3").Value)/(Total_votes)*100,1)

<b> <font color="#FF0000">
Response.Write (Percent)
response.write "%"
</font> </b> <img src="vote.gif" width="<%=percent%>" height="5">
Response.write "<br>"
Response.write "Total "
Response.write " "
Response.Write ""& objRS("pic_rate4").Value & ""
Response.write " "
Response.write "People Rated you"
Response.Write " "
Response.Write " 4 "
Response.write "<br>"

Percent = FormatNumber((objRS("pic_rate4").Value)/(Total_votes)*100,1)

<b> <font color="#FF0000">
Response.Write (Percent)
response.write "%"
</font> </b> <img src="vote.gif" width="<%=percent%>" height="5">
Response.write "<br>"
Response.write "Total "
Response.write " "
Response.Write ""& objRS("pic_rate5").Value & ""
Response.write " "
Response.write "People Rated you"
Response.Write " "
Response.Write " 5 "
Response.write "<br>"

Percent = FormatNumber((objRS("pic_rate5").Value)/(Total_votes)*100,1)

<b> <font color="#FF0000">
Response.Write (Percent)
response.write "%"
</font> </b> <img src="vote.gif" width="<%=percent%>" height="5">
Response.write "<br>"
Response.write "Total "
Response.write " "
Response.Write ""& objRS("pic_rate6").Value & ""
Response.write " "
Response.write "People Rated you"
Response.Write " "
Response.Write " 6 "
Response.write "<br>"

Percent = FormatNumber((objRS("pic_rate6").Value)/(Total_votes)*100,1)

<b> <font color="#FF0000">
Response.Write (Percent)
response.write "%"
</font> </b> <img src="vote.gif" width="<%=percent%>" height="5">
Response.write "<br>"
Response.write "Total "
Response.write " "
Response.Write ""& objRS("pic_rate7").Value & ""
Response.write " "
Response.write "People Rated you"
Response.Write " "
Response.Write " 7 "
Response.write "<br>"

Percent = FormatNumber((objRS("pic_rate7").Value)/(Total_votes)*100,1)

<b> <font color="#FF0000">
Response.Write (Percent)
response.write "%"
</font> </b> <img src="vote.gif" width="<%=percent%>" height="5">
Response.write "<br>"
Response.write "Total "
Response.write " "
Response.Write ""& objRS("pic_rate8").Value & ""
Response.write " "
Response.write "People Rated you"
Response.Write " "
Response.Write " 8 "
Response.write "<br>"

Percent = FormatNumber((objRS("pic_rate8").Value)/(Total_votes)*100,1)

<b> <font color="#FF0000">
Response.Write (Percent)
response.write "%"
</font> </b> <img src="vote.gif" width="<%=percent%>" height="5">
Response.write "<br>"
Response.write "Total "
Response.write " "
Response.Write ""& objRS("pic_rate9").Value & ""
Response.write " "
Response.write "People Rated you"
Response.Write " "
Response.Write " 9 "
Response.write "<br>"

Percent = FormatNumber((objRS("pic_rate9").Value)/(Total_votes)*100,1)

<b> <font color="#FF0000">
Response.Write (Percent)
response.write "%"
</font> </b> <img src="vote.gif" width="<%=percent%>" height="5">
Response.write "<br>"
Response.write "Total "
Response.write " "
Response.Write ""& objRS("pic_rate10").Value & ""
Response.write " "
Response.write "People Rated you"
Response.Write " "
Response.Write " 10 "
Response.write "<br>"
<b> <font color="#FF0000">
Response.Write (Percent)
response.write "%"
</font> </b>

Percent = FormatNumber((objRS("pic_rate10").Value)/(Total_votes)*100,1)

<b> </b><img src="vote.gif" width="<%=percent%>" height="5">
<b> </b>

Response.write "<br>"
Response.Write "Total votes"
Response.Write " "
<b> <font color="#FF0000">
Response.Write (Total_Votes)
Set objRS = Nothing
Set objConn = Nothing


so u get it ?
use Recordset1 not objRS and it'll work


glad php just has echo not response.write :D

you should clean this up

try reducing the number of response.writes some just add spaces that will get ingnored

Percent = FormatNumber((objRS("pic_rate3").Value)/(Total_votes)*100,1) 

<b> <font color="#FF0000"> 
Response.Write (Percent) 
response.write "%" 
</font> </b> <img src="vote.gif" width="<%=percent%>" height="5"> 
Response.write "<br>" 
Response.write "Total " 
Response.write " " 
Response.Write ""& objRS("pic_rate4").Value & "" 
Response.write " " 
Response.write "People Rated you" 
Response.Write " " 
Response.Write " 4 " 
Response.write "<br>" 


<% Percent = FormatNumber((Recordset1("pic_rate4").Value)/(Total_votes)*100,1) %> 
<b><font color="#FF0000">
%</font></b><img src="vote.gif" width="
" height="5"><br>Total 
<%=Recordset1("pic_rate4").Value %>
 People Rated you 4<br>

stick it in a for loop and you loose 90% of your code :)
Originally posted by lucifer
use Recordset1 not objRS and it'll work


glad php just has echo not response.write :D

you should clean this up

try reducing the number of response.writes some just add spaces that will get ingnored