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Unlimited Subdomains ??


New Member

I´m currently looking for the following features:

Unlimited webspace
Unlimited pop3 boxes
Unlimited bandwidth
Unlimited subdomains (should this be impossible?)
Perl5 Support
And of course, it should be kinda fast ;)

Any ideas? I´ve found several but none of em offer unlimited subdomains ... the reason why I´m looking for this shit is because I´m trying to start an online community and to offer members to register their own subdomain on my site ...

I would pay abount $50 a month for it.

So far

Originally posted by BiteTheBugByte
Originally posted by GordonH
Even if you can find one they will not allow you to host other peoples sites within your own.

Why wouldn´t they?

Anyways, thx for your fast reply.

It's called doing yourself out of business, if they allow you for $50 per month to host as many other websites as you want then they are going to be loosing money.

As a side note, unlimited bandwidth and diskspace don't exist, anyone who tells you otherwise is not to be trusted.