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value for DVD-ROM drive


New Member
is it valueable for me to buy the latest speed 16x of any DVD-ROM drive? perhaps it might have higher speed of DVD drive coming in the market. so any comments ? :)
Originally posted by beely
is it valueable for me to buy the latest speed 16x of any DVD-ROM drive? perhaps it might have higher speed of DVD drive coming in the market. so any comments ? :)
Eventually, yeah they'll get faster. But so will everything else. It's not that bad really. I have a 48x16x40 CDRW drive, and it doesn't seem too slow to the faster 48x28x40 that I've seen, or some speed like that. So, anyhow, I'd say if you want it buy it, and when it gets to be unbearably slow upgrade :)
Re: Re: value for DVD-ROM drive

Originally posted by notnamed
Eventually, yeah they'll get faster./quote]Not necessarily. You can only spin a disc so fast before it snaps, and we're pretty close to that limit now.
I have a 48x16x40 CDRW drive, and it doesn't seem too slow to the faster 48x28x40 that I've seen,
I have a 52x32x52, but only because I just upgraded from my old 8x.
Re: Re: Re: value for DVD-ROM drive

Originally posted by Bruce
Not necessarily. You can only spin a disc so fast before it snaps, and we're pretty close to that limit now.
640k is enough for anyone.
I think there's a world market for about 3 PCs.

I'm aware of where you're coming from, but I'm just stating the bare facts.

If CD/DVD read speads are to get any faster, there will have to be a major change in the way CD/DVD drives read the discs.

With a CD being read at 52x, the outside of the disc is spinning at 145 MPH... that's pretty ----ing fast.
Originally posted by Bruce
With a CD being read at 52x, the outside of the disc is spinning at 145 MPH... that's pretty ----ing fast.

maybe you're right, as i know most of latest speed 16x of DVD-ROM drive can run as a cdrom in 4_ something of the speed. However, any dvd disc might not be able to read by the cdrom drive. perhaps i need to wait for new speed. so what do you think ?
I thought they made a drive they broke the 52x speed by using three lasers and reading more data at once instead of less data faster ?
Originally posted by CoRN
I thought they made a drive they broke the 52x speed by using three lasers and reading more data at once instead of less data faster ?

Hmmm....interesting concept. I didnt hear about that, but its surely possible as long as they disc doesnt spin faster....
Don't get DVD Burners, unless you want to burn CD-RWs at a crawl.

I bought a CD Burner few days ago, its external, I'm quite happy about it, but its only 40x12x40, slow compared to speeds now :'(
Originally posted by CoRN
I thought they made a drive they broke the 52x speed by using three lasers and reading more data at once instead of less data faster ?

60x CD-roms are available...
Originally posted by Daniel
60x CD-roms are available...

Single laser ?
The fastest single laser drive I can find is 54x.

That's gotta be one hell of a noisy drive.