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I usually use both, laptop and smartphone. I have some software which can be easily synchronized between both devices (e. g. software for memorizing works when I learn Spanish).
I hardly use a laptop, although have possessed one since last year when I went on a vacation. Mostly a pc. Like a second home for me. Got a very old Htc cell phone that is a great cellular phone and through it i text information messages.
I use desktop, laptop and phone for surfing the internet and for various other tasks too such as chatting, reading email and of course posting on forums such as here. I mostly use desktop just because it's the fastest and most reliable way. No need to worry about slowly loading pages, batteries or software which don't work or pages which don't open. Sometimes when my desktop PC is turned off I use phone which is almost as fast way to do some quick surfing. I only use laptop when I'm on the go and desktop PC is not available.
Solely laptop. I conciously choose not to get a smartphone to keep me focused. I'm behind the laptop all day so I want to be disconnected from the internet when I'm outside