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Say for instance you are seeking web hosting services. What is the top feature that you look for? This poll will help web hosts that are regular here at FWS to better service clients and future clients. Thank You.
This thread kind of links to the poll I posted earlier today. As a host we see uptime to be the most important factor followed by support. Price is important but it is only sensible to try and be competitive with hosts that will be around a year from now, not operations that are heavily overselling and will disappear overnight.
You are right TJR. I hope you dont mind this thread, as I see a bit of difference in the two. They'll go to help us more serious respectable web hosts to improve our services.
Without good support, how can they ever assist me at all when I need them? How do I know that there is a real person there checking up on things and not just taking my money? Definitely "support" for me.
I'll take uptime. With good uptime, you wouldnt need to trouble the staff there. So, even without good support you can continue with your site since you have control with your panel.
IMO, uptime is the most important feature. If it is there then most of the issue get solved and customer feel happy. Support is the next to it. Customer will get satisfy easily if customer gets reliable 24/7 tech support, chat support with quality and outstanding performance. Rest things comes after these most important feature.:classic2: