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My girl asked me the same question once. We were watching some movie on TV, and there was this scene where two girls were making out at a party, the shot cuts to the males and they were all like "---- yea that's awesome! *high five*". My gf turned around with this expression of disgust and confusion and demanded of me as to why guys like that ----. I told her I'm not into that, I don't know have no idea, but she doesn't listen and goes on to say how we male species are unfair in our views involving same sex relationships, how we're totally okay with lesbians, find the idea hot, but when two guys like each other it's suddenly so gay and revolting.... and I'm just sitting there like, but I never said I enjoyed it... /rant
I wonder about this myself, it's like, ok two girls are kissing... and YOU aren't getting any action... whats the point?? I always rag down on people that gawk at this kinda stuff... I'm like "Hello, that girl right there kissing the other one is pretty much the reason why you don't have one" lol, lezzies should be viewed as competition too, IMHO. Especially since it seems to be a growing trend, blah.
Because it's hot. It shows they're up for trying things sexually. And, if they're lesbians, you can't get 'em which makes you want them more (forbidden fruit and all that).
@LeX: I'm sorry, but I laughed so much when I read about your girlfriend basically shunning you about it, and you being all like "But I don't enjoy it" LMAO! I could just imagine asking my boyfriend in bed, if he likes that crap and him saying it's fantastic, he would get one hell of a what the ---- response.
I'm not homophobic, I don't mind 2 girls kissing or 2 guys kissing, I just find it very weird when a guy then seems to think he needs to comment on it :S
Haha, I dont know.
Im straight but have many friends some gay some bi or what ever.
I have no sexual feeling towards same-sex relations but I do and would practice non-sexual stuff (Hard to explain) 3 sums and so on.
So I guess I am... what do they call it..... hetroflexiable?
I cant remember the correct term for who I am
I guess I like seeing 2 women kiss though but I think that just relates to seeing 2 people I find sexual attractive acting sexual towards each other.
Not sure because I never really stopped to think about it and look in to my mind to see why I feel like I do about it.
Its a good question.
Anyway, who cares I just go with the flow really, all humans should enjoy their sexuality, lets face it this life dont offer much in the way of pleasures!
This argument suggests it's a choice. While girls kissing girls may be "a growing trend," lesbianism is not. Those little gay kids are killing themselves all over the country for being bullied for being gay, and people still thing they're choosing to be gay?:cry2:
Sorry but how anyone can say "Thats how it is" when you look at all other species on this earth, it is not with them.
Surly if thats how it was, other species would also be gay?
I have nothing against gay people, but I still think its a choice, maybe not a choice that they knowly make, but a choice none the less.
We dont even understand the human mind, so to say "thats how it is" is dumb.
I would say "Thats how it is" when it comes to brain scans that prove a female brain in a male body etc.
But not any other time.