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Where can I host a sex edu site?


New Member
Need another host.

My last host shut down. Once again I need to find an acceptable free web host for host a sex education site.

I'm looking for at least 5 host that can provide:

Space: 20MB
Bandwidth: 500 GB/Month
In English.
Does not discriminate. Allow any visitor from any country.
Bandwidth: 500 GB/Month

HaaaaaaaaaaaaaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAA... ROTLMAO !!! LOL LOL LOL LOL !!!!! :classic2: :D :confused2
Originally posted by NightElf
Bandwidth: 500 GB/Month

HaaaaaaaaaaaaaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAA... ROTLMAO !!! LOL LOL LOL LOL !!!!! :classic2: :D :confused2

:rolleyes: sure you make mistakes ?
Originally posted by Lovellz
its not a porn site :p

That's true, but many "regular" free host's won't accept content even remotely sexual in nature.

OpenTalked... If you want the best quality for the lowest price (maybe even free) go to www.webhostingtalk.com and pose your question in the "web hosting requests" forum
Open Talked,

Would you like to write us an email for more details?

Personally, I have someone in mind to recommend you. But not for my firm.
Originally posted by Cracker
500 gigabytes!!? I couldn't use that much in four years!

lol maybe you need a better site then..lol just kidding but I think everyone is making to big a deal out of this...
This is a quote from his/her August thread that this was split from.

Originally posted by OpenTalked
I?m looking for a free web host that I put up a sex education site. Some of the topics may includes birth control, preventions, STD, fetishes, fantasies, sex, relationships, family planing, anatomy & physiology, and other related topics.

The expected audiences will probably be college and high school students.

Problem is that although its an educational site, it touches topics that might not be acceptable by some web host. Seem they don?t appreciate free speech and information. And since it is not an adult site, if might not be acceptable by some adult host. In addition, some of the ads on the adult host might not be appropriate for high school students.

So any suggestions? If you can suggest at least 5 sites that would be really helpful.

What I need:
Space: 20 MB
Bandwidth: 500
FTP access.
It should be 500MB and not 500GB. For the latter, I doubt any one could provide. Our server is only 300GB bandwidth for each server. :)

So, no abilities to host for it!:eek::D
If you could tolerate browser uploading, or maybe upload a few zip files that I could uncompress for you, I would be willing to provide a home for your site :).
I can host you but i can't give you ftp... if you are interested, then upload it on the FTPs (with tar.gz format) and i'll download it for you. your site will be hosted.rjfiles.uni.cc/<you>...

PM me if you want... your site is interesting :p

I can't host you a domain :(

PS: do you mean, 500 GB or 500 MB?!!? If 500 GB, it means half TBytes. hmmm... i can give you 500 MB only
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Re: Need another host.

Originally posted by OpenTalked
My last host shut down. Once again I need to find an acceptable free web host for host a sex education site.

I'm looking for at least 5 host that can provide:

Space: 20MB
Bandwidth: 500 GB/Month
In English.
Does not discriminate. Allow any visitor from any country.

You can check out this links sexplanets.com or Sexplanets.Net

Sexplanets offer Ftp as following,
one with banner Ad is ( Sexplanets free hosting ) ,
without Banner is (start your own free hosting)

Just sign up and enjoy :)