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Which hosts offer free TLD's

Sain Cai

Beautiful Daddy
This thread is meant for any host that offers a free TLD, and what requirements you need to do so. I know Zoomcities offers a .info TLD with 100 posts amung other thing.

Anywho please indicate if you, as a host, offer a TLD, and what the user must do to gain one.

Thank you.
We @ pubwebhost.com offer free registration of a TLD with annual hosting plans. However ownership of the domain remains with the host, though negotiable at the end of the year.

we at cancerhost.com have a contest going on for a free domain.

The winner is announced at the end of the year, who ever posts the most.

They will gain complete control of the domain registered through yahoo domains
At JotHost, we have a contest every once in a while for a free .com/.net/.org

We're having one soon in fact.
100% Free Domains


We now offer free domains to our users. We do it in the form of affiliate marketing, but you can be assured it doesn't take more than a few minutes to complete.

Once our staff verifies your completed offers, your domain(s) of choice will be registered. We do not require anyone to host with us, and you will get 100% control of your domain(s).

We currently give (.com - .net - .org - .us -.biz - .info)

You can check out more info HERE

Have a great night/day!
Either enter your c/c or use paypal - then transfer the domain to a cheaper registrar after 2 months (by this time you may be able to get one of the above hosts ^^ to sponsor that domain in exchange for forum posting)!

edit - also, if you don't have a c/c or paypal, contact customer support (it's live u talk to someone lol) and they may help you register a domain without one!
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We actually register free tld (.com, .net, .org, .info, .biz) for our clients that purchase a minimum of our diamond hosting plan. This offer is also valid on all reseller packages, as well as annual payments on lower hosting plans.
So none of you that say you 'give a free domain name' actually give it free - there is a catch!
Decker - I don't think that anyone actually gets domains for free - so there needs to be some catch for them to actually pay for the domain.
So none of you that say you 'give a free domain name' actually give it free - there is a catch!


We do not charge anyone a penny. I guess the offers that they complete can be called a "catch", but they still never lose anything. They do not have to give any payment info nor do they have to post 5000 posts. Our customers can finish their requirements in 5 minutes and have their domains in less than 24-48, so I feel we are doing them a favor while making a little revenue at the same time.

In anything free, something is given in return. Our network profits off these offers and our end-user does as well.
Yes Deck, technically you are not getting something for nothing, but I would gladly substitute something for my hard earned $$$.
I wouldnt call it a catch really, the client just has to sign up for particular plans and pricing in order to recieve the domain. They do recieve it absolutely free and also maintain control over the domain as well with us.
GeekRack ^^ this is the free hosting discussion forum, lol, but feel free to join the discussion!
Of course im aware which forum it is...just because its here doesnt restrict the OP didnt say which free hosts give free tld they stated which host :beer: