Firstly, I don't know much about computers -- so the answer here might be really obvious.
I can not get flash to run on my XP (5.1 service pack2). To correct this I have tried the following list (multiple times)
(1) follw installation instructions on adobe website. This results in an error popup box that says error unknown) and then another that says "Installation complete". At times it has also said "You do not have permission to install this, log on as the administrator", BUT I WAS LOGGED ON AS THE ADMINISTATOR??
(3) Install IE 7.0 (Hoping a reinstall would come with flash).
(4) Uninstall flash. Reinstall.
No luck. Any suggestions?
I can not get flash to run on my XP (5.1 service pack2). To correct this I have tried the following list (multiple times)
(1) follw installation instructions on adobe website. This results in an error popup box that says error unknown) and then another that says "Installation complete". At times it has also said "You do not have permission to install this, log on as the administrator", BUT I WAS LOGGED ON AS THE ADMINISTATOR??
(3) Install IE 7.0 (Hoping a reinstall would come with flash).
(4) Uninstall flash. Reinstall.
No luck. Any suggestions?