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managed wordpress hosting

Search results

  1. Ψ

    free host request

    Yeah I know, I think its useless for a host liek that though, I told this one support team on xm.com they had unlimited space and such and they dont' allow .php files, I todl them that their server was useless then. lol
  2. Ψ

    Hosting Request

    Ok this is what I need: Atleast 1gb space(or more) about 30gb B/W Unlimited MySQL Databases Unlimited File Size Limit No file extension limit Unlimited Domains/subdomains No ads No monthly Posts What I'll be hosting: PhpBB Forums Boonex's Dolphin PHP IM(MySQL based) If you...
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    free host request

    No its not, I recently signed up for an account over on fr33host.net and they are offering 10GB of space and 100gb of Transfer. So yeah....although they dont' offer mail, so sorry on that one. >.> But I coudlnt' host what I needed to so I deleted it. >.>
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    LCD monitors

    You all have lost me, I think I'll stick with my new CRt monitor, lmfao.
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    netfirms is very very slow........

    Yeah I agree, you shoudl atleast try and get intouch with the admin, or a representative before you go overboard and want your money back.
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    google adsense banned me...

    Not only did they buy out youtube, but they bought yahoo aswell. And rumor has it that they are planning to buy out another company. =\ and I still use hotmail, I recently signed up for gmail, but yeah....and true Iuse google for alot, of things, search, don't really care for news that well...
  7. Ψ

    Post Your Desktop!

    lmao, I'll just post my image here, that way you don't have to click on a link, and there's nothing special about my desktop. -shrugs- Edit: Rocket, what version of windows are you using, I love the way its set up. <3
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    Horrid kids!

    making them go through the same crime as to what they did is't going to help much, because then the people that is doing the same to them would be punished to, as the saying goes, you shouldn't fight fire with fire. I'd say send them to boot camp though, that way they learn discipline, and...
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    US hijacking space

    lmfao!....Well I live in USA, and it wasn't my fault he was elcted president, some people blame the entire US for bush's idiotic decisions, but alot of the people are innocent. If I was old enough to vote when his election was happening, I would have voted for the other guy. But meh, whats done...
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    Well, I think I'll just stick with my ps2 :)
  11. Ψ

    Remember to..

    LMAO. yeah, the onyl clocks I have is my computers, cell phone and 1 wall clock, whihc I don't adjust anyway, its like off by 5 hours anywa. -shrugs-
  12. Ψ

    Horrid kids!

    LMAOOOO @ Wojtek Well, I say not only should they throw them in jail, but also so throw them in with big bubba, i'm sure he could teach them a thing or 2.
  13. Ψ

    i6: 5GB Space/100GB Transfer, cPanel, No Banner Ads, Super Fast Servers!!

    Ok to the guy who posted right after me, its because they are offering alot and they do not want people to sign up who have just madea site, cause after 2 months of running a site, and if they haven't gotten tired of it by 2 months, then they really mean they want to run a site. Hope that helps...
  14. Ψ

    i6: 5GB Space/100GB Transfer, cPanel, No Banner Ads, Super Fast Servers!!

    I'll answer this.... Does thet help? And btw, if I get an error message like that, I won't be happy, I have my statement to prove that my Domain is well over 2 months old. :lol: Edit: I have one small question. * $107.40 will be due on the next renewal date. Alright, does this...
  15. Ψ

    MySharefile.com & Pureupload.com - Free File and Image Hosting for you

    150 MB isn't big enough for file hosting. As in, files range in sizes, so a person could upload some files, but need extra space. I would say giving about 350-400 mb in space.
  16. Ψ

    Free Resellers, Huge space (ads OR posting)

    Ya know. That is a good thing. But, lets hope that the Hostees won't have to post 50 posts everymonth, that wouldn't work out so well.
  17. Ψ

    *FREE* 2000MB bandwidth, 200 MB webspace, cPanel, Fantastico..and more!!

    Hmm, well. More MySQL databases would be nice. Its overall average is fab. *rose*
  18. Ψ

    ChampsHost.com|500mb 20gb BW|Unlimited Features|NO ADS

    The thing here is, you have to post in the forums. THat can be a relaly BIG problem. If a person is working on their account, then they wont' have time to post, so where does that leave them? Without a hoster once again.
  19. Ψ

    offered hosting

    Hmm, more information needs to be posted.