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Well, if you dont mind the ad, its fine. Namezero, domainzero (for those who still have accounts), and namedemo will redirect your name anyway.
If you paid for you name, you can try capibara...they are pretty good and only put ads on if you have more than 300 hits or so a day (it puts the ads after the 300th hit).
Why not use and, that way you have full control over your domain and dont have to deal with nasty ads on your domain. Theres a tutorial at that should help you.
Originally posted by jw Why not use and, that way you have full control over your domain and dont have to deal with nasty ads on your domain. Theres a tutorial at that should help you.
Hehe, there were two posts asking the same thing, so I answered one and copy/pasted it to the other...sorry if you thought i was spamming, but I didnt want to start a flame which seems to happen all the time, lets just say I avoid confrontation heh. My apologies mandrake..
Unsolicited promotion for one's own site is generally considered spamming around here. Since you're a regular around here, I thought I would give you a friendly warning before others started coming down on you.