Well... I don't know hpw to do something more hard as that v_v So I guess I just have to stop worring about what other epopel see, mostly because it was only the size that really changed in differant views... as far as positions, everything was the same ^_^
One thing though... I made the links/image on my main page rather small, so when I saw it in 800 by 600, I was *irritated* to see how big it was @_@ (I like everything small, but I know I need to becareful if I want other people to be able to read what I make... teehee ^_~) So, I made everything the size I want in 800 by 600.. hehe, you should see how small my page looks in 1024 by 768
Oh well, even though there is a rather big size differance, it really isn't too bad. Everything is completly readable and viewable..
So, I guess I really shouldn't worry ^_^
Thank you all ^_^
One thing though... I made the links/image on my main page rather small, so when I saw it in 800 by 600, I was *irritated* to see how big it was @_@ (I like everything small, but I know I need to becareful if I want other people to be able to read what I make... teehee ^_~) So, I made everything the size I want in 800 by 600.. hehe, you should see how small my page looks in 1024 by 768
So, I guess I really shouldn't worry ^_^
Thank you all ^_^