Googl letter to me
This latter send to me by google according to youir says----
I have reviewed your site and it appears that the ads your webhost is
displaying appear to be acceptable by our program policies at this time.
However, for future reference, please keep in mind that it is a
publisher's responsibility to ensure that their site is in compliance with
our program policies. These policies state that ads which are
contextually-targeted or appear to mimic Google ads may not be placed on
the same page as a Google ad. Please refer to for more information.
If you find that your webhost is displaying these types of ads, please
contact your webhosting company directly for more information. Thank you
for your cooperation.
For additional questions, we suggest you visit our AdSense Support site at . If you're unable to find an
answer to your question on our site, please feel free to reply to this
The Google AdSense Team