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A personal site for review

Originally posted by situfenre
This is the site that i have done..
please give me comments on my website on how can i improve..
but i need to emphasis one thing..
i decided on a very basic layout..
Just give me comments on the main page will do thanks.

nice graphics...a bit too messy though..too many things moving at the same time..

and what is that box with moving white strips for?:confused2
The graphics are not bad. Hmm, the flash takes long time to load. Overall, it's very slow.
Well, took forever to load on my frinds cable 'net.

Scrollers on 800,600 res...

Nice graphics, don't really like iframes.. But overall nice.
must view on 1024x768 resolution

If not,the images will seen to be veri big..
and anyone know where to find nice design art for my site background??
pls rate my site

at the bottom there is a rate my site listbox...
pls rate it.And pls give me comments on how to improve my site.Thanks to DJsexie comments,i will remove the box with moving strips.
As for Iframes,well i like it personally so i won't make changes.
I don't know why you all took so long to load..I look about 30-40 seconds to load and i think that ok.BTw my host is a singapore host.
30-40 seconds will make 56k and 128k users away.
Even Cable and DSL users don't want to wait 10 seconds.

By the way, I can't click the buttons on the top of your site.
I have made it clear

Just give me comments on the main page will do thanks.
On the first thread..
because i only done for this layout ..
other things not working yet.
I need comments on how to improve my page design..
about the loading speed...i will seriously consider your opinon..
but i will not wan to sacrifice graphics for speed.
I have to made it clear..
comments should be based on how to improve the layout..
and i appreciate everyone of you for giving comments
thanks a lot
nice and simple layout but a bit too dark and btw ur buttons on the navbar at the top can't be clicked

More people use 800x600 than you might think. No, I don't get it either, but they do. Take a look at your stats - about 1 in 10 is using 800x600 (or less). If you don't consider that in your site design, you'll be losing or inconveniencing these people...

Oh, yeah, it takes too long to load, but you know that.
i understand

well it is just my personal preferences...
what i heard is that more and more people are using 1024x768 resolution.About the site getting too long to load,
I have ask my friend..and he say that it is fast in loading..
anyway.. thanks for the comments..but i need constructive ideas..
how to improve my layout..?that is the thing i want to know...
should i put images...change background,add services....,change color of text...
change the arrangment.. etc...
those are the things i need for comments..
hopefully...the coming reviews will be more constructive..
i don't know about the resolution trend but sites of mine usually follow the 1280*1024 resol but i make sure those wit 800*600 would be able to see in good proportion.

as for contructive comments, the layout and colors are fine since it's probably your preference to make it that way. personally i like dark environment (dark blue,grey,black etc) too much glare from bright colors on my monitor isn't making me feel good.

on my screen your background is set as a pattern ? cos i'm seeing repetitve of that black bg. i sugges making it a color bg instead of placing it with a pic color usage is ok

main thing is probably the host since it's a singapore server by coolconnect foreign visitors will be having some slow glitches. i had some of my sites hosted there b4 changing to paid hosting
way to long to load.......30-40 seconds is not ok for a site to load.....it took me about 2 minutes and im on a cable modem

to decrease loading time, instead of the flash buttons on top....you should just make it a simple image mouseover...

and make the iframe with the news/diary things bigger theres too much empty space on the right side

and your rateing system on the bottom doesnt work...i get a popup with an error

just a couple of suggestions, you don't have to implement them.
the voices on your site are telling me to kill my parents. i think i better close it now.

:D :D

you should read this in his site:

maybe i really don't have talent in doing anything

I think he has a talent that can make ppl misunderstand what he is saying....
