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my online gaming group has decided that we can sell some ad space to appropriate groups upon the reopening of our website.

Types of Advertising we are looking to pull:
Web Hosting
Game Servers
Computer Products

The website is being custom designed and will hopefully be up within the next week or two. The advertising we are interested to start with will be very cheap and completely negotiable. The reason for this is that we are a relatively new group that in just a couple of weeks have found ourselves getting a constant number of unregistered viewers on the forums (that's not to mention registered users).

Here's what we want to do:
Offer a few groups a special deal to start advertising with us over a set amount of time/number of clicks/etc. (As mentioned, negotiable terms). When the website is ready, we should have about 3 spaces for advertisements on the website.

If you would like to discuss some type of advertising deal with my group, please contact us to discuss more of the finer details of this.

E-mail: aflax045@gmail.com

The website statistics would be appropriate to show how quickly we are growing...mind you we haven't even gotten the new website up yet:
(We apologize for the large size; it's to show the entire legitimate page)

Again, please contact us if you are interested so we can get something worked out before the site opens.