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Advertising.com Popup

For anyone with an advertising.com account...

How much does their popup pay?

If CPM, is it per unique IP or just every time it is shown.

(In the past it was everytime it was shown, unique did not matter at $4 CPM, but that was about 8 months ago.)

i used the pop-ups for 2 months. now my account is deactiveted because I have an entertainment related website.

but they are really good!

cpm: 1.25
ip limit: no
limits: ctr must be above 0.25%

a cpm of $1.25 seems quite low, but you make more revenue than with e.g. popupsponsor or similar services (also popuptraffic) because the popups are loading fast and only 10% of visitors close them before they are loaded.
they have also several other banners...

they are paying cpm/ctr and you earn 1-3US$ per 1000 page views.

they view banners from:
- advertising.com ;-)
- 24/7
- AdForce
- Backbeat Media
- Doubleclick
- AdManager/AdBureau
- L90 - AdMonitor
- Spinway
- RealMedia
