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managed wordpress hosting

Any new innovative services ?


New Member
Except free bulletin, message board, chat room, mysql, php, redirection, vote, email, counter, stats... Is there any other innovative services ? (for homepage builders)
I like the tell-a-freind stuff. Works good. If someone likes your site, and thinks "So and so might like this site too", then they see a link to "Tell-A-Friend" about it, they probably will. I know bravnet has this, but I would rather host the cgi myself, and think the Bircast at http://www.bignosebird.com is great.
that was a very general question. there are plenty of really cool services just don't feel like listing them all
One you didn't list is content providers:
subportal.com, isyndicate.com, moreover.com
and there's a few others that don't readily come to mind.