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Any other free email-filtering service better than bigfoot ?


New Member
I am using bigfoot's email-filtering service. It WAS free when I registered and I used it for about 3~4 years.

But when I log in today (to change my settings) , the service become Premium service that I have to pay 19.95 per year otherwise they only forward up to 25 messages per day! ( and I can't change my filtering service now...)

Although the basic Forwarding service is still free, but it has too few function...

Is there any other free email-filtering service ?

[Edited by smallufo on 03-24-2001 at 11:31 AM]
great that i saw your post.
i am using bigfoot, too and now i got aware, that i only would recieve 25 mails per day.

does anybody have further information on that?
*are the other mails deleted or sent a day later?
*can i stop using the filter? (did use it before, but i don't see how to reset that... (also sometimes used distribution [currently not] and reminder [lost all that info:-((]

>You are currently using Distribution in your Bigfoot Basic >Membership. Bigfoot will forward up to 25 messages for you >each day.

(Don't wanna switch to paid... anyway got my own domain email now...)

Would be great to hear from someone, who knows more about that!!!
I don't really know what you mean by email filtering. Like searching for specific titles in emails, then redirect them to other email accounts? I'm pretty sure http://gmx.net does this.

All I know about bigfoot.com is I used to get a whole lot of spam "from" bigfoot.com email addresses. That was on my hotmail account. Wonder how many messages I have there?....

Hmm...only 918.