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Anything good to tell about RCThost? 20/2 Gb

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Its obviously overselling. It sounds just a little too good, but it depends how much their users are actually using. I,myself, would not go with them.
Originally posted by ClyderMan
Why should I pay $95.00/year for 50 megs webspace and 5 Gb bandwith, when I can get 1.5 Gb webspace and 15 Gb bandwith for much cheaper price like $49.99/year? It's pure idiotic to pay more for less :cool2:
because in the end you do end up getting what you pay for?
I wouldn't trust a host to be able to give decent support if they don't know the difference between bandwidth and data transfer.
Originally posted by ClyderMan

Why should I pay $95.00/year for 50 megs webspace and 5 Gb bandwith, when I can get 1.5 Gb webspace and 15 Gb bandwith for much cheaper price like $49.99/year? It's pure idiotic to pay more for less :cool2:

It's pure idiotic to pay less for more.

Do YOU want to have an account on a overloaded server single-processor, low-end ram, slow hard drives and cogent bandwidth with no support? I know I wouldn't want to get stuck on that peice of shit.

For $95 a year for 50mb and 5gb transfer, you get actually decent webhosting.
I signed up for the same deal. Hopefully we'll be happy with it?

Hey, anyone who has it, can you guys please tell us how your account is? Like have you experienced any down times?


Originally posted by ClyderMan

I'll bet that for you there doesn't exist any host in world you accept :D :D

www.fluidhosting.com and www.verio.com

And it's a marketing ploy that their servers are never overloaded, etc.

How would you like it if your stuck on a single processor, sub-512mb of sdram, and a single-homed cogent connection? Even if it's not overloaded, it's still shit.
Originally posted by ClyderMan

I'm just saying it's absolutely not possible for a company to be profitable selling 2gb space and 20gb transfer for $5 a month. At $0.25 per GB it's not possible unless it's single-homed with Cogent. :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by ClyderMan
I don't like Daniel either *cough* silly linux people *cough*... just kidding :p

The IP for rcthost.com is owned by Powersurge which seems to offer dedicated servers through http://www.fastservers.net/. Their going rate is $2/Gb so just how is he able to offer 25cents/Gb? By betting you'll never use all of it. If you do use it and others do as well they have a big funds problem.

And to close I don't claim that they're hosted by fastservers.net but it looks that way to me with the IP's. And if you're happy with hosting there then you got a great deal out it. But there's enough reason for other people to question just how the host survives with that pricing scheme so don't just shrug it off as unwarrented.

(Stupid dot at the end of the link)
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This is pure guess you wrote here, and when asked about this it has been confirmed by host that what you telling/guess here is totally crap :cool:

Originally posted by CareBear
I don't like Daniel either *cough* silly linux people *cough*... just kidding :p

The IP for rcthost.com is owned by Powersurge which seems to offer dedicated servers through http://www.fastservers.net/. Their going rate is $2/Gb so just how is he able to offer 25cents/Gb? By betting you'll never use all of it. If you do use it and others do as well they have a big funds problem.

And to close I don't claim that they're hosted by fastservers.net but it looks that way to me with the IP's. And if you're happy with hosting there then you got a great deal out it. But there's enough reason for other people to question just how the host survives with that pricing scheme so don't just shrug it off as unwarrented.

(Stupid dot at the end of the link)
Clyderman. why ask for advice on a host if you won't do the maths? If you think they are so great, go ahead and sign up with them. If not, ask here for known and trusted hosts at reasonable rates. Cheap is usually not the best, as so many have found oiut.
Originally posted by ClyderMan
This is pure guess you wrote here, and when asked about this it has been confirmed by host that what you telling/guess here is totally crap :cool:
Then why when I just looked did I find ( http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?postid=718242#post718242 ):
I am a customer of FastServers.net and can't say anything bad about them, they have been great so far.
He says he's the owner here: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?postid=571950#post571950
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