Best picture-posting forum script ?
Hi , I am looking for the best picture-posting board. Commercial product is OK .
I've tried some scripts , some are very powerful , but not suitable for a picture posting site.
One picture-posting script should consider more on html tags and IP/string-restricting...
I want the following functions :
. It should be able to display HITs/Replies of a thread.
. Thread should be displayed in threaded/flat mode.
. Replies can be set able/unable to insert img tag
. It should be able to POP the recently-replied-thread to top.
. User authentication is board-specific, anonymous can post in some board but cannot post in another board.
. HTML tags restriction is board-specific , some board can use IMG, A HREF , FONT ,..., while another board may only use IMG , while the other board cannot use any HTML tags.
. Able to allow/disallow/filter JavaScript or Applets. Board specific setting is more welcome.
. KEYWORD restriction , some troublesome website posters may post their ADs or link in the board , the board should be able to automatically parse the string and reject the post ,not just replace these word to [CENSORED] or XXXXXX.
. Multiboard is optional. Currently I only need one board.
. Easy administration, including deleting user , ban IP , deleting post...etc...
Is there such a board ? commercial is ok, but I don't need to "heavy" script , lightweight is more welcome.
Hi , I am looking for the best picture-posting board. Commercial product is OK .
I've tried some scripts , some are very powerful , but not suitable for a picture posting site.
One picture-posting script should consider more on html tags and IP/string-restricting...
I want the following functions :
. It should be able to display HITs/Replies of a thread.
. Thread should be displayed in threaded/flat mode.
. Replies can be set able/unable to insert img tag
. It should be able to POP the recently-replied-thread to top.
. User authentication is board-specific, anonymous can post in some board but cannot post in another board.
. HTML tags restriction is board-specific , some board can use IMG, A HREF , FONT ,..., while another board may only use IMG , while the other board cannot use any HTML tags.
. Able to allow/disallow/filter JavaScript or Applets. Board specific setting is more welcome.
. KEYWORD restriction , some troublesome website posters may post their ADs or link in the board , the board should be able to automatically parse the string and reject the post ,not just replace these word to [CENSORED] or XXXXXX.
. Multiboard is optional. Currently I only need one board.
. Easy administration, including deleting user , ban IP , deleting post...etc...
Is there such a board ? commercial is ok, but I don't need to "heavy" script , lightweight is more welcome.
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