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Do you mean a header image, code, anim, flash, you can actually get a freebie at some sites if you google for it and get a free one created if it's just a header image type, or with code from the site to include it.
Type free flash banner into google and you get loads, if your after an application it would depend on your level of skill with flash and/or how much your willing to learn about creating.
One you might trial is the Amara intro/banner builder, I've used it for quick and painless jobs, there's a free trial download and $40 to buy, have a go with the trial and see if it suits since your specifically asking for header/banner it might do you okay - but there are loads from free to the obvious FLASH itself
Try to use “Xheader” software which is one of the best and easy ways to make an exceptional and professional quality header for any website. I used it for a long time and got a good response which allows for modification of existing header templates and enable you to make new headers from your own images.
I see this thread was created some time ago? Have you
managed to make a header yet? Personally I wouldn't make
a flash header. I find flash in websites annoying, and if you
use Firefox add-ons such as no-script, they won't be displayed
correctly at all.
Gimp which was mentioned earlier, is like Photoshop,
only free. Inkscape and Xara Xtreme are good free
alternatives to Adobe Illustrator.
The downside is that these programs are tools that
requires basic knowledge about design.