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Looks fantastic. One thing though, in the "Mer filminfo" part, I think there should be a scrollbar. Kind of hard to scroll with the arrow keys or with the mouse wheel.
Very nice indeed! It looks very professional. However, on the top menu bar, I think there should be a small rollover effect on the menu buttons.
Other than that, I can't see anything wrong with it at all .
It's in an iframe, since I haven't found any other solution to including just the graphs yet. You should only get to what's hidden below the graphs when clicking on the link below that, "Läs besökares recensioner".
What is the first thing you see when you visit the movie page? Does it look wrong right away? What made you scroll that iframe part? Can I turn off autoscroll in the code for the iframe (it is set to scrolling=no already)? Why does it show in Firefox 1.0.7 and not in Firefox 1.5? Some bug maybe?
It's part of a complex cgi script and that makes it tricky, but I'll try to solve it with includes. I understand that the current solution might work, but it's not a good solution to use iframe. Thanks for your help.