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can any body guide me on how to host my page on the net


New Member
:cry2: i want help on postin my website on the net. i have devloped one using html . and is working fine locally on my system . i dont know how to upload my pages on freewebspace..

First of all, you need a webhost. As you can see, there are free and paid ones. Depending on your needs, you will have to choose which you go for. If it is a business site, paid would probably better because of uptime guarantees.

If it's just to test some code etc, a free host would be great. When you choose/contact a host, they will assist you in getting your site on the net. This is most of the time done via FTP.

You also need a domain, again, depending on your needs, you could get away without one. Some hosts will give you a subdomain, which means you will have for example, yoursite.yourhost.com.

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Matt Midgley
themidge said:

First of all, you need a webhost. As you can see, there are free and paid ones. Depending on your needs, you will have to choose which you go for. If it is a business site, paid would probably better because of uptime guarantees.

If it's just to test some code etc, a free host would be great. When you choose/contact a host, they will assist you in getting your site on the net. This is most of the time done via FTP.

You also need a domain, again, depending on your needs, you could get away without one. Some hosts will give you a subdomain, which means you will have for example, yoursite.yourhost.com.

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Matt Midgley

What Matt Midgley said is quite clear :)

I just add a bit more, some hosting provide you with cPanel (Which is user friendly control panel to manage your webiste easy to learn :) )

Another thing to upload your file is by using file upload in cPanel.

If you need any hosting please post a topic in the free hosting section :)
Then say how many space (??? MB) and bandwidth (file in/out) (???? MB)

Then a lot of hoster will be happy to advertise their hosting,so you will be confused to choose :) since in my opinion all hoster here quite good to offer free hosting ^^;

If you need help just reply this or pm me ^^;
