Sweet, that was what I was looking for. I heard NW and SW Chicago are not too bad. I did some research on that Google Map/Chicago Crime Mash site. Knew that by the lake was bad, as well as south side. Ive been looking at apartments in the NW and SW areas, and man, some are only like 200 more than what I am paying now. I think its riduculous what I pay here compared to that. By the time we would go, she would be done in school, and I hopefully will be making decent money one way or another, or can just transfer to a store out there. Im used to the weather you speak of, heat in the morning, AC at night, was one of the jokes around here. I grew up in the city, with an El and all, so none of that would be new to me. And yes, even our schools are in bad neighborhoods (Temple, U of PA). Pretty much sounds like Philly, only the prices are better I think.