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Chrome or Opera?


You're not safe.

I've used Opera in the past and liked it, but uninstalled it awhile ago over a new browser.

Chrome. Chrome is simply awesome in my opinion and it does exactly what I want without killing my memory.

I got 6 tabs open + Thunderbird and still 180mb ram available out of 504mb.

So not really resource heavy. Plus current extensions and I love all of them
AdBlock - Version: 2.0.9
AdBlock for Chrome! Blocks ads all over the web. Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars by our users!

Chrome Link Checker - Version: 0.6335
Extension based on 'The Cavern Link Checker'. Now supprting over 85 filehosts.

ChromeAccess - Version: 1.4
Quick access to all (relevant) 'about:' and 'chrome://' pages.

ChromeReload - Version: 0.5
Automatically reload a page. Configure how often each page reloads and see a count-down until the next load
Ghostery - Version: 1.0.0 (Disabled)
Protect your privacy. See who's tracking your web browsing with Ghostery.
Enable - Uninstall
goo.gl URL Shortener - Version: 0.4.4
Shorten url with goo.gl, the new Google URL shortener.
Incredible StartPage - Productive Start Page for Chrome! - Version: 0.9.7
A new, customizable start page for Chrome. Easily find your favorite bookmarks and closed tabs. Take notes as you browse.
Pastebin.com - Version: 1.6
Store text for a certain period of time with Pastebin.com the #1 paste tool since 2002
PHP documentation - PHP.net - Version: 1.0
PHP documentation, the official PHP Manual for developpers. PHP.net

But I recently installed Opera on a friends computer and used it and it ran sooooo smooth and clean I'm considering switching back, but not sure about it... I obviously cant get those extensions on it and whatnot but theres plus sides to it as with Opera you can edit source on the page... Useful when working...

I switch between Chrome and Firefox, I always will switch from my default to FF sometimes... No one can beat Mozilla.

Whats your opinion? Stick with Chrome or move to Opera?
Have both .
This is better than having to decide .
Better still , head over to portabl freeware and download portable editions that you don't have to install so you can selectively use them without compromising on resources and registry space .

Btw , 504mb ram , running on your phone ?
I also found this while looking and poking around... I kinda like it

Opera Unite... Seems neat

I've been playing with it and Opera is definitely running smoother and 40mb less ram required with 15 tabs in one browser with youtube open on a couple.

I think I like Opera again but still not sure if giving up chrome is something to do?

Btw , 504mb ram , running on your phone ?
My computer isn't as fancy as most people..



That seems very resourceful for those w.o servers
For security Chrome is your better browser of choice due to its built in sandbox feature. You should note that addons/plugins are not sandboxed.

Hope this helps.
I have yet to decide which I like better. I keep using Chrome more and more, but FF is still my default...even if it almost isn't ever opened
If I'm on my PC, or one of them, I will use Chrome, FF as a default package has become too bloated and consumes loads of memory, and the loading times are dreadful IMO, Chrome is much neater, plus I like how the Address Bar can be used as a keyword search with google.

If I'm on my Mac, I just use safari. ^_^
[QUOTE='sarah[foxlass]plus I like how the Address Bar can be used as a keyword search with google.[/QUOTE]
Sarah , I'm afraid that may not be termed as an advantage .
FF , Opera , they all can do that too...

Just type in whatever keyword you mean to search and it'll do the rest .
Id just have them both, all though I kinda stopped caring how much ram any APP uses after I got 4+gb, so I just use firefox now.

I have chrome installed and I must say, its good because it never annoys me.
It just sits there waiting to be used, unlike IE, which sometimes trys to take over from your default browers, I also have opera installed.
But they all just sit there, firefox for me :)
RAM is a moot issue between Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer.

You guys really need to be looking at CPU usage, especially in linux, on a 1.6 GHz single core processor.

If you don't have that liberty...

Chrome - Fails (100% CPU Usage With Flash, 99% Without)
Opera - Fails (124% CPU Usage With Flash, 99% Without)
Midori (And Other Light Browsers) - 1st Place (40-60% CPU Usage With Flash) (Most Recent Build, Be Wary of Flash)
Firefox - 2nd Place (60-70% CPU Usage With Flash) (Be Wary of Flash, DO NOT use old builds/versions)
Last edited:
At Pwn2Own, Chrome was the only browser which could NOT be hacked. Enough said there. You can even add on Sandboxie and you have a very secure browser, with or without addons!

FireFox is fast becoming the easiest browser for exploiting. Surprisingly IE hold up pretty good these days.
FireFox is fast becoming the easiest browser for exploiting. Surprisingly IE hold up pretty good these days.

Then I guess I'll continue to stay with the browser I like, which is the one I'll be most vulnerable in. I'll never touch chrome.
Well Im just bouncing between chrome and opera atm, opera becomes resource heavy after being left on for hours which I do... all the time
I still prefer Firefox.. none of the other browsers have the plug-ins I use on a daily basis. Sure it's not the fastest, and occasionally likes to om-nom-nom on the RAM, but overall it's a great browser.