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There are so many cool places. Right now I'm thinking of Stanley Park in Vancouver, Canada. It's a 10 km Park that is completely surrounded by English Bay and Vancouver Harbour. 10 km meaning a sea wall that stretches right round the park and that has great views of English Bay, Lion's Gate Bridge and Coal Harbour. When one goes into the park there are enormous high trees - almost like a forest. One could easily get lost in it - however there are maps and paths to all kinds of attractions. There are a couple of lakes including beaver lake - although I haven't seen beavers there yet. Stanley Park has a great variety of ducks, particularly during winter time as well as Bald Eagles and a whole variety of birds making it a great place for birders to visit.
Here's a photo of the Lions' Gate Bridge through Stanley Park. The Gate connects Main Land Vancouver with North Vancouver.
My opinion is the place where the least number of people visited there.
Everything that is connected with nature.
Dangerous volcanoes as an example.
In general, the elements are very scary and beautiful at the same time.
All the best.
If you really need the cool place then you must visit the Iceland.
If you are unable to visit the cool place then better we must plant more and more trees around the enviorment to have good vegetation as well as good enviorment.